CALL US​​ 0411 839 663
High Impact LED Screen Solutions
LED Screens that will create an immersive experience and keep your crowd engaged. Whether it is at your favourite live event, or on a structure you want your LED screen advertising your business and community, we have a big screen solution for you!
Direct view LED video wall technology is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to deliver seamless images, scalability to any size or shape, and excellent optimal characteristics that make video wall content look great from any angle.
​Our High Quality LED’s are from the leading LED manufacturer in the world and are assembled in Australia by our highly professional team, delivering superior performance with luminous efficiency, quality, and reliability for multi-colour high definition LEDs.
​All displays are programmed on site in Australia. Displays are controlled by the latest microcomputer technology. This provides great feedback from data while also providing onboard testing and easy electronic maintenance.

Alpha Signs

Finest Materials

Environmental resources

Modular technology & advance design

Rigid Construction

Optional sound services

Technically advance

Contact us for a free quote or demonstration
Excellent reliability
You can have full confidence, knowing that our LED wall displays will operate 24/7.
Low maintenance
The quality of our LED walls are second to none. We design and build them in a way so that very little maintenance is needed over the long-term.
Phone: 0411 839 663 / email:sales@alphamediaservices.com